Stocks List Going to Pay Dividend in September month 2022

Today we will get to know about stocks who are going to pay dividend to their shareholders in upcoming month of September 2022

Jindal Saw has declared a dividend of 100% and the ex dividend date going to be is Sept 19, 2022.


The company has declared a dividend of 425% and the shares would go ex dividend on Sept 19.

LIC Housing Finance

The company has declared a dividend of 20% and will go Ex dividend on Sept 23. It means you have to buy the stocks before 22 Sept

Evans Electric

The company has declared a dividend of 210%. The stock will go ex dividend on Sept 22. It is the 7th largest capacity of polyester (PET) film globally

Polyplex Corporation

Gujarat Alkali has declared a dividend of 100%. The shares of this Gujarat based company will go ex dividend on Sept 21, 2022.

Gurjrat Alkali

The company has declared a dividend of 25%. The shares of the company will go ex dividend on Sept 20.

Samkrg Pistons

The company has declared a dividend of 20%. The shares like Samkrg Pistons would go ex dividend on Sept 20, 2022.

Ester Industries

The company has declared a dividend of 300% and the stock would go ex dividend on Sept 15, 2022. Leading player in the entertainment business.

Zee Entertainment

The company has declared a dividend of 300%. The shares of the company will go ex dividend on Sept 19, 2022.

Balmer Lawrie